Свернувшись калачиком с хорошей книгой, Обедая с другом, С семьей, Посещая музеи или галереи, Занимаясь своим хобби, Смотря телевизор или кино, Гуляя, На природе, Сидя в Интернете, Работая
Отдых на природе, Другое, Лыжный спорт, Плавание, Прогулки
Виды спорта, которыми Вы любите заниматься, или смотреть
I am a slim, tender, cheerful and creative woman with curly hair by nature and a lot of interests such as science, scientific programming, films translation, good music, sport, etc. I grew up in a scientific family. Perhaps, that is why I became well-read and inquisitive from an early age. Later, these properties of my nature were useful for my work in science and and in the training of students at the university. I can speak English very well, and I learn Italian independently just for fun. I think only the mutual understanding is the main thing in any of matters related to relationships of a man and a woman.
Как бы Вы описали своего идеального партнера?
I would like to find a life partner of my generation, since people change with age: the habits, behaviour, etc. Unfortunately, on this site only a small percentage of men might be interesting for me in terms of their level of education, occupation, etc. If you are an intelligent, good-looking, friendly person of 178 centimetres higher in height, without excess weight and if you are interested in an attractive, smart woman, you are welcome!
Если бы через тридцать дней настал бы конец света, что бы Вы делали?
I would live as usual, however, I would not lose the hope that something will not happen in this grim scenario.
Если бы у Вас было бы лишних 10 миллионов долларов, чтобы Вы сделали?
I would buy a house using some of this money. The other part of the finance I would put in the bank and securities. The last part of the money I would focus on charity, travel and current needs.
Какое качество Вы особенно цените в лицах своего пола?
Genuine friendliness
Какое качество Вы особенно цените в лицах противоположного пола?
Главный совет, который Вы дадите своим детям?
Believe in yourself!
Последние книги, которые Вы прочитали?
Specific professional scientific literature
Ваши цели сейчас?
To find my happiness )))
Медаль за настойчивость
Мастер добродетели
Мастер активности
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