Joseph Fisher, 68 stáří., Spojené státy americké, Tampa
Ověření telefonem
Poslední návštěva:
Odpovědi na zprávy: 14%
Základní informace
Jméno: Joseph Fisher
Věk: 68
Místo: Spojené státy americké, Tampa
Znamení: Střelec
Hmotnost: 113kilogramů
Výška: 175centimetrů
Barva očí: Hnědá
Barva vlasů: Tmavě hnědá
Postava: Svalnatá
Na vašem těle máte: Jizvy
Četnost kouření: Nikdy
Četnost požívání alkoholu: Nikdy
Vaše denní aktivity: Nezáleží
S následujícím údaji:
Ověření telefonem
Máte děti?:
25 stáří. Chlapec, žije/žijí občas se mnou v domácnosti
17 stáří. Dívka, žije/žijí občas se mnou v domácnosti
Ruské 4 (dobré)
Angličtina 5 (plynule)
Rodinný stav: Rozvedený
Chci mít děti: Nejsem rozhodnut
Souhlasíte s přemístěním?:
Souhlasím s možností zůstat v mém městě
Vaše životní priority:
Rodina, dlouhotrvající vztah
Stabilita, bezpečí
Váš příjem: Dobrý příjem
Ve vlastní nemovitosti: Dům/chalupa, Auto
Kde žijete?: Samostatný dům/chalupa
Co si myslíte o cestovaní a placení výdajů za schůzky?: Souhlasím se zaplacením
Vzdělání: Vysoká škola
Povolání: Inženýr
Jaké náboženství vyznaváte?: Křesťanské
Můj partner
Věk: 35 - 50
Země: Západní Evropa, Východní Evropa, Bývalé státy Společenství nezávislých států, Severní Amerika, Asie
Hmotnost: 40.86 - 63.56 kilogramů
Výška: 152 - 175 centimetrů
Barva očí: Jakákoliv
Barva vlasů: Jakákoliv
Nevadí vám, když má partner děti?: Nejsem proti
Postava: Štíhlá, Hubená, Atletická
Kouří: Nikdy
Nápoje: Občas (sociálně)
Etnické preference: Asijské, Bílé / Evropské, Pacifiké ostrovy, Jihoamerické
Koníčky a zájmy
Baví mě zahradničení?
Docela mně baví zahradničení
Baví mě nakupování potravin?
Užívám si to
Těší mě jiné typy nákupů?
Nevadí mi to
Baví mě vaření?
Mám rád/a vaření
Jak často chodím ven?
Dvakrát týdně
Chodím rád do restaurací?
Zbožňuji to
Když dojde na TV
Rozhodnu se pro film
Když přijde na peníze
Něco utratím, něco uložím
Popsal/a bych sám sebe na party jako
Nestranný pozorovatel
Udržuji čisto a uklízím
Vždy čisto pro společnost
V ideálním případě bych chtěl žít v
Chalupa na vesnici
Domácí zvířata a já
Mám Psy, Nemám, ale miluji Kočky
Na jaký typ televizních pořadů se nejraději dívám?
Sci-fi, Mystery / Thriller, Horror, Drama, Komedie, Kreslené, Akční / Dobrodružný
Baví mě trávení volného času
S rodinou, Hraji si se svým zvířecím mazlíčkem, Nákupování, Návštěva muzea či galerie, Doháním nestihlé domácí práce, Věnuji se koníčkům, Sleduji televizi nebo film, Na procházce, V přírodě, Brouzdání po internetu
Činnosti, které mě baví
Jízda na kole, Táboření, Turistika, Ostatní, Bojové sporty, Plavání, Procházky, Vzpírání
Druhy zábavy, které mě baví
Deskové Hry, Kasino a sázky, Koncerty, Šipky, Večírky, Dobré jídlo, Country hudba, Pop hudba, Rock, Čtení, Internet, Tv Zábava
Ostatní koníčky a zájmy
Sběratelství, Počítače, Řemesla, psy, Rodina / děti, Zahradničení, Kutilství, Novinky / Politika / Události, Nakupování, Cestování
Odpovědi na několik otázek
Jak byste charakterizoval sám sebe?
Very affectionate, attentive, loving, giving, romantic, humorous, playful, family oriented. I love to kiss, cuddle, hold hands, and walk hand in hand. I am a "friendly" person, but not necessarily a "social" person. I can socialize when I want to, and I know a lot of people. But I am more of an introvert, a loner, a lone wolf. I am not really comfortable with lots of people around. I do not need time out with friends, or time away from my family. I am a devoted father and husband, and I am simply happiest, when I am with my lady, and our children. I would never choose friends over my lady, or my children. My lady and my children will always come first in my life.
Jak byste popsal vašeho ideálního partnera?
Similar. I believe that two people must become the best of friends, if the relationship is going to survive. And, I believe that in order to become the best of friends, you must have similar needs and interests, so that you can satisfy each other's needs, and find enough activities that you can do together, so that you grow together. My children are almost grown now, and I love children very much, but I would prefer to find a lady whose children are in their "teens", close to their "teens", or already grown. But, if I meet a lady who has a younger child, if we can truly love each other, then I know that I will love her child as my own. ))) My lady should have a similar personality to mine. And, she should be very affectionate, attentive and romantic, with a good sense of humor.
Co budete dělat, když zjistíte, že za 30 dní bude konec světa?
Spend every last minute with my loved ones. I love the mountains, fresh air, peace and quiet. But, if I am with my loved ones, it would not really matter where we were, as long as we were together. On the other hand, I am a survivor. I have land in the mountains, and if I knew that I had 30 days, I would do everything in my power, to build a shelter for my family, strong enough to survive whatever was coming.
Pokud byste měli navíc 10 miliónů dolarů, jak byste s nimi naložili?
Build a family complex, where all of our immediate family could live in peace and comfort. A home in a tropical climate, and a home in the mountains.
Čeho si nejvíce ceníte na lidech opačné pohlaví?
Honesty, faithfulness, loving, giving, romantic, affectionate, attentive, humorous, playful, family oriented.
Mezi hlavní rady, které dáváte svým dětem?
Find things that you love doing, and see if you can turn any of them into a meaningful career. You will never get rich working for someone else. Choose a career where you can start working for someone else, but where you can build your own business, and your own life, on the side, in your spare time.
Co Vás nejvíce zapůsobilo v životě?
The sheer amount of corruption we have in our government and leadership!
Kterou poslední knihu jste četli?
I read a LOT when I was young, but for many years now, I have not had time to sit and read books for recreation. On the other hand, I read and write a lot of technical documents at work.
Jaké jsou vaše cíle nyní?
To find my second half, someone to share the rest of my life with. Someone who would want to be with me, beside me, as much as I want to be with her, beside her.
Koho obdivujete?
Donald Trump. He is a billionaire, who could live in luxury for the rest of his life. Yet, he chose to fight our corrupt government leaders. He can not be bought. He lost over a billion US dollars over the past few years, sacrificing his businesses, and his time, to fight the corruption in our society. While every other politician is getting rich off of the American people, he loses money every day. He will never sacrifice his principles. He truly loves this country, and wants to help its citizens in every way possible.
Máte hodně přátel?
I know a lot of people, and a lot of people know me. But, I am an introvert by nature. A lone wolf. I can mix and mingle when I want to, but I am simply happiest when I am with my lady and children. I am happiest when I am with my family.
Jaké vlastnosti se vám nelíbí na lidech vašeho pohlaví?
Drunkards, bullies, criminals, those who prey on the week.
Jaké vlastnosti se vám nelíbí na sobě?
Disloyalty, cheating, dishonesty. I do not care if your photos are a few years old, as long as you look like the pictures that you post.

I have encountered a lot of women who no longer look like their posted pictures. I look like my pictures, and I expect that you will look like those that you post on the site.
Co bych chtěl na sobě změnit?
I would like to lose a little bit of weight, but I am a former soldier of 17 years, and most of my extra weight is just muscle that has turned soft over the years. With someone to encourage me, to be my muse, I have no doubt that I could get back into "fighting" shape again. )))
Moje chyby?
I sometimes procrastinate with things that do not really interest me.
Moje hodnoty?
Perseverance, intelligence, multi-talented, positive attitude. Very family oriented.
Jak vidím své přátele?
I do not have many friends, as I am both a lone wolf and an introvert by nature. But, those friends that I do have, would describe me as loyal and giving.
Jak moji známí vidí mě?
Professional, helpful, friendly.

At work, I need to interact with a lot of different people, and in most cases, I am considered the "expert" in my field. I spend quite a bit of time mentoring and training junior engineers. And, in my job, I need to troubleshoot numerous different server related issues. I work on a large team of engineers, yet a lot of customers who have worked with me in the past, call me directly when they have a problem at work. They trust my judgement, and how I handle issues.

Please note that there is a difference between being "friendly" and "sociable".
Moje oblíbené hry?
Card games, pool (billiards), board games, throwing a football or frisbee, lawn games.
Moje oblíbená hudba?
Almost anything except RAP and hip-hop.
Moje oblíbené jídlo?
Meats: Chicken, pork, turkey, lamb, beef. Vegetables: Peas, green beans, corn, carrots, potatoes, lima beans, onions, lettuce, cabbage, tomatoes, more. Ethnic foods: Chinese, Mexican, German, Italian, Greek, Turkish, Indian, Japanese, Asian, Polynesian, Russian, and of course American.
Moje oblíbené filmy?
Action, adventure, martial arts, sci-fi, comedy, romance, horror, and probably more.
Moje oblíbená zábava?
I like to design house plans on my computer. I like to build things with my hands. I can build with wood, plastics and metals. I have an extensive array of my own tools. As a family, we love the water parks, amusement parks, festivals, exhibits, nature parks, camping, picnics, barbecues, bicycle riding, walking, movies, mountains, travel, dining out, and much more.
Práce, kterou bych chtěl dělat?
At this time in my life, I am looking forward to retiring in a few years. I am a senior computer systems engineer, and I enjoy what I do. It's a great profession, with lots of opportunities to learn and grow. If I could start my life over again, I would probably become a builder of homes. Not repairing homes, but designing and building new homes. This would be my dream job.
Napište něco o svém vysněném partnerovi.
Physically, someone very slender with a pretty face and smile. Personality wise, someone very affectionate, attentive, romantic and family oriented. Someone whose personality is much like my own. Maybe a bit of an introvert, or a lone wolf, like me. Maybe someone who is a little bit shy. Someone who is "friendly", but not necessarily sociable. Someone who could socialize when they want to, or need to, but who would prefer to be with her family. Someone who would always choose family over friends. Someone who would want to be with me, as much as I would want to be with her. Someone who loves to kiss, cuddle, hold hands, and walk hand in hand.

Please note that I am an older man, and that I can NOT have more children of my own. If you want more children of your own, then I can not be the right man for you. My youngest child is a 16 year old daughter, who still lives at home with me. I would prefer to find a lady whose children are already grown, or who has no more than 1 child still living at home, probably no younger than 11 - 13 years old. I do not care whether you have 10 children, as long as there is only 1 still at home. It is a matter of being able to care for them, and to give them a bedroom of their own. Their own private "space", to learn and grow.
Místo, kde chci žít?
After my children are all grown, or our children, if my lady has a child, I will move from my current home, and I want to build a retirement home. Actually, I have two different pieces of property. One in Florida, and one in the mountains of the south-eastern US. If I am able to do it, I would like to build a retirement home on each property. In this way, we can spend time in Florida, in a tropical climate, or we can spend time in the mountains, with trees, forests, and lots of nature. Both of my properties are between 10,000 and 13,000 square meters, and they would both give us at least some privacy, and a quiet space.
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