Ashley, 57 años, Canadá, Calgary
Verificación de teléfono
Porcentaje de respuesta: 8%
Información principal
Nombre: Ashley
Edad: 57
Ubicación: Canadá, Calgary
Signo del Zodiaco: Capricornio
Peso: 84Kgs
Altura: 183cm
Color de ojos: Café
Color del cabello: Café oscuro
Tipo de cuerpo: Normal
Frecuencia con que fuma: Nunca
Frecuencia con la que bebe: Ocasionalmente (socialmente)
Tu tipo de actividad: No importa
Con información:
Verificación de teléfono
Estado civil: Soltero/a
Quiero tener hijos: Indeciso
¿ Estás dispuesto a mudarte?:
Estoy de acuerdo en quedarme en mi ciudad
Estoy de acuerdo en mudarme dentro de mi país
Estoy de acuerdo en mudarme a otro país
Tus prioridades en la vida:
Familia, relación a largo plazo
Autoexpresión artística
En mi propiedad: Casa / Chalet, Coche
¿ Dónde vives?: Casa/chalet independiente
Estudios: Algún universitario
Sector laboral: Negocios
¿Qué religión profesa?: No profesa
Mi pareja
Edad: 34 - 42
País: Cualquiera
Color de ojos: Cualquiera
Color del cabello: Cualquiera
¿ Es correcto que ellos tengan niños?: Si
Tipo de cuerpo: Delgado, Normal, Musculoso, Unas pocas libras de más, Magro, Atlético
Fuma: Nunca
Bebidas: Ocasionalmente (socialmente)
Grupo étnico: Caucásico, India oriental, Hispano/latino, Medio Oriente, Sudamérica
Pasatiempos e intereses
Mantengo mi espacio
Siempre limpio para la compañía
¿ Te gusta cenar fuera?
Me gusta mucho
¿Te gusta salir?
2 veces por semana
¿Cuánto disfrutas de otros clases de compras?
No me importa
¿Te gusta ir a comprar la comida?
De paso
¿Te gusta la jardinería?
Me encanta la jardinería
¿Te gusta cocinar?
Tengo qué cocinar
En una fiesta me describiría como
Mariposa Social
Tu lugar ideal para vivir
casa en los barrios residenciales
Mascotas y yo
No tengo pero me gustan Gatos, Perros
¿Qué clase de programas de televisión le gustan más?
Ciencia ficción, Naturaleza/vida salvaje, Películas, Educativo, Drama, Documental, Comedia
Cómo me gusta pasar el tiempo libre
Hacer deporte, Leer un buen libro, Almorzando con un amigo, Con la familia, Arreglar el jardín, Visitar museos o galerías, Buscando un pasatiempo, Ver la TV o una película, Dar un paseo, Estar entre amigos, En la naturaleza, Jugar con el Ordenador, Navegar por Internet
Actividades con las que disfruto
Ir en bicicleta, Navegar / Vela, Acampar, Senderismo, Bailar, Otros, Esquiar/ Snowboard, Nadar, Pasear, Hacer Pesas, Surf/windsurf
Mis deportes favoritos (practicar/ver)
Beisbol, Basquet, Bolos, Deportes extremos, Deportes olímpicos, Tenis
Mis entretenimientos favoritos
Bares/cantinas, Conciertos, Clubs de baile, Fiestas, Cena de lujo, Cines, Museo/arte, Clásicos musicales, Jazz/r, Música pop, Rock, Lectura, Navegar por internet, Tv educativa/noticias, Tv de entretenimiento, Catador de vinos
Otros pasatiempos y actividades que me interesan
Antigüedades, Astrología, Coches, Artes, Escritura creativa, Familia/niños, Jardinería, Mejorar el hogar, Inversiones, Pintura, Filosofía/espiritualidad, Fotografía, Viajar, Voluntario
Responda algunas preguntas
¿Cómo te describes?
Hi, Glad you found me, perhaps I'm your needle in the Hay stack, and you are mine?!
I'm hoping to to find one, just one, great woman that is fun to be with, easy to laugh, intelligent, Smart, who is active in some ways in her life, and is looking for a creative outgoing and intelligent guy~!

I love to travel, enjoy music, the outdoors, The arts.
I love the sound of an acoustic guitar, and it usually inspires me to pick mine up and write something. I like hiking in the mountains, Skiing Lake Louise, bike rides. Those are the ones I do mostly, but I'm open to any kind of activity really, I usually pick it up quickly. In the past I've done and enjoyed many activities, from archery, Sailing, to Kayaking and basketball. Live music. Surfing, snorkelling. Or just relaxing at home, and enjoying good company, TV or a movie.
I also train in modern and historical martial arts, and I have a few gold medals for Longsword competition, in HEMA.

I have my eye on more natural foods these days, and eating healthy.

I'm creative guy, so I'm always coming up with ideas for things in my life, and often for other people as well, I like to brain storm ideas.
I've been getting back into my Graphic drawing The past year, and Writing. I'm good with my hands, and Handy, be that wood working, renovations, or more.

I'm hoping to find a woman who can bring the feminine back, share some wine, hear her gorgeous voice across the table in a candle lit restaurant, holding back the temptation to kiss her across the table…. are you kissable?

I like to talk about important topics too, the ones that are important to our world today for instance. Though my favourite people in life are the ones that I laugh easily with, and have a fun way of looking at the world around them. But its important to live wise, and with informed living.

Live in the Present, be informed by the past, and have a clear future, open to growth and innovation.

Travel is something I enjoy too, and would be great to find a partner, I'm pretty open when it comes to where I might go, though I have many places I'd like to see! Whats on your list?

I would love to meet an amazing woman, and yes, create a family together.

These days I'm busy in my job as a Sales Manager at a Major Home Furnishing Store, and also in my spare time, writing, Gardening, designing, and also working on some Real Estate I have.

If any of this resonates with you, I'd love to hear from you!
Looking forward to it!
¿Cómo describirías a tu pareja ideal?
Lovely, Nurturing, outgoing, generous in her attention. A great listener, conversationalist. Close to her family. An angel in my eyes, but challenges me in life as well. A great mother, lover, friend, confidant, understanding, loving. Feminine, but able to get out and do things. Enjoys many things that I do.
Si fuera el fin del mundo en 30 días, ¿qué haría?
If the whole world was going to end in 30 days, and was completely gone? I would travel the world and see as much as I could before it was gone. Making love, every morning, and every night. I would paint, write music, spend time by the Ocean.
Si tuviera 10 millones de dólares para gastarlos, ¿qué haría?
What wouldn't I do with it?!
Buy real estate. With 10 Million, you could control 40 million of property, which would bring me in millions of dollars in income annually!
Then I could make a different in the world, in many ways, and, do what ever I wanted!
Invested? = 10% a year, which is 1 million in income, just from investing it in the market. But properly invested in property, and the market? and you're looking at more like 2-4 Million per year income. Wealth makes wealth.  
¿ A quién pides consejos y con cuánta frecuencia?
Anyone. Truth is, anyone can give you advice, they are outside of your box, and can see a unique view.
or at least a different view. Try it! However, mostly I figure out my needs and issues on my own.
¿ Qué cualidades consideras qué son las más importantes en la gente de tu mismo sexo?
¿ Qué cualidades considera que son las más importantes en la gente del sexo opuesto?
Femininity, nurturing.
¿ Cuál es el evento reciente más importante en su vida?
Starting a new Career. I am learning a lot about the business, and enjoying the interactions with people.
¿ El principal consejo qué le dará a sus hijos?
Never give up on something you love in your life, for any reason, or for anyone.
Try, try, try, and then try again. Practice makes ok, more practice, makes good, even more practice makes excellent, and more practice means professional!
¿ Qué le ha producido la mayor impresión (trauma) en su vida?
1. Over population of our planet, which is stressing the planet, Animals, nature. Plastic explosion in our oceans, Over fishing... So many things. Very sad. The digression of the food supply, and how government has allowed chemicals, pesticides, Genetically Modified foods, to enter the food supply, and pose as food.
¿ El último libro que leíste?
It was probably Historical. The 3 Musketeers. I have a large library.   I love to read! Learn and grow. To be transported in a book as well.
¿Cuáles son tus metas ahora?
Find my Partner in life. Get back into recording my Music. To have my online retail business working. To author my books, to travel the world. to have a successful relationship.
¿A quién admiras?
Laurence Gardner, Richard Branson, David Bowie, Chris Cornell, Gwyneth Paltrow
¿Tienes muchos amigos?
I have a few
¿Qué cualidades te disgustan más en la gente de tu sexo?
¿Qué cualidades te disgustan más en la gente del sexo opuesto?
Cattiness, flakiness, aloof, trying to be a man
¿Qué te gustaría cambiar en ti?
To not be single.
¿ Cuáles son tus defectos o tus principales errores?
TV, Ice Cream, Feminine woman.
Mis méritos
Dynamic personality, fortitude, intelligence, ability to assess a situation and take action, Many skills, Accomplishing things in detail.
¿Cómo me ven mis amigos?
With their eyes.   
¿Cómo me ven mis conocidos?
Mis juegos favoritos
I don't play games
Mi escritores y poetas favoritos
Lawrence Gardner, Ahmed Osman, Eckhart Tolle, Jack Whyte, and many more
Mi música favorita
Most, if not all, except country, opera, and rap
Mi comida favorita
I enjoy most foods, but I am choosing more natural foods, and organic
Mis películas favoritas
I love most kinds. I recently enjoyed "A Star is Born", and "Bohemian Rhapsody"
Mis cuentos de hadas favoritos
Me meeting you and living happily ever after. ;0
Mi pasatiempo favorito
many, Drawing, design, Skiing, cycling, mountain biking, TV, watching movies, Writing, Playing Guitar and singing, songwriting, Swordsmanship, hiking...
¿ Qué trabajo desearía tener?
Singer songwriter, and Author, internet entrepreneur
El compañero que le gustaría tener.
Feminine, caring, nurturing in her heart, Intelligent, a bit adventurous, beautiful, great listener, conversationalist, loves to grow and learn
¿ En qué lugar le gustaría vivir?
With the love of my life. Doesn't matter where, but I would love to live by the Ocean
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