Inna, 58 лет, Россия, Москва
Проверка телефона
Последний раз на сайте:
Уровень ответов: 96%
Имя: Inna
Возраст: 58
Месторасположение: Россия, Москва
Знак зодиака: Стрелец
Вес: 70кг
Рост: 170см
Цвет глаз: Голубой
Цвет волос: Белый
Телосложение: Нормальное
Насколько часто Вы курите?: Никогда
Насколько часто Вы пьете: Никогда
Ваш распорядок дня: Не имеет значения
Со следующими данными:
Проверка телефона
У Вас есть дети?:
35 лет девочка, не живет дома со мной
29 лет мальчик, не живет дома со мной
28 лет мальчик, не живет дома со мной
24 лет мальчик, живет иногда дома
русский 5(свободный)
английский 5(свободный)
Семейное положение: Разведен/Разведена
Вы хотите иметь детей: Нет
Вы согласны переехать?:
Я готов переехать в другую страну
Ваши жизненные приоритеты:
Семья, долговременные отношения
Достаток/ материальное благополучие
Душевное равновесие
Ваш доход: Хороший доход
В моей собственности: Квартира, Aвтомобиль, Яхта, Бизнес
Где Вы проживаете?: Отдельная квартира
Кто должен оплатить транспортные расходы или расходы на встречи?: Каждый платит за себя
Образование: Кандидат наук
Профессия: Бизнес
Какой религии Вы придерживаетесь?: Православие
Мой партнер
Возраст: 50 - 70
Страна: Западная Европа, Северная Америка, Австралия & Новая Зеландия
Цвет глаз: Любые
Цвет волос: Любые
Как Вы относитесь к тому, что партнер будет иметь детей?: Не против
Телосложение: Любые
курит: Никогда
пьет: Изредка в компаниях
Этническая принадлежность партнера: Белый / Европейская
Хобби и увлечения
Ответы на вопросы
Как бы Вы описали себя?
Hello Everyone, thanks for checking out my profile, i'm again presently a new member here, so feel free to write me if the spirit prompt you.
Warm & fun loving adult girl looking for romance, love, marriage and family… Basically I love life and I love living life. I enjoy the nature, music, sea-ocean, yachts, sails, sea wind, divings, races 4х4, flights with a parachute, traveling, restaurants, laughing, going to cultural events, and socializing with quality people.
It's just better living and sharing life with someone else : -)
I am a healthy, beautiful, clever and cheerful woman (I love jokes and laughter). If not my ability to constant humour and irony - I would hardly grow up normally my four children.
I never long worry about failure and I never fall to depressions. I enjoy being active, healthy and staying fit. Family and friends are important to me as well.
My children are adults, independent and live separately from me. Now I looking for a lovely story, with a lovely man in a lovely spirit. . . My soulmate and my husband? Who knows. . . You maybe : D
Intellectual connection, physical connection, to please one another, to seduce oneself, to laugh together, is the basis.
I am a very honest and sincere woman. I put honesty and feelings in front of my mind when it comes to relationships.
I have been burned before, but it has not made me cold or stone hearted. I believe in love - and I have a lot to give.
Need 100% love and give 100% love back and no less unconditional. There isn't too many things I don't enjoy doing so I'm always down for a good time. I can't stay cooped in a house for long, although I love to sit back and relax every now and then. It's very rare to see me not smiling about something.
I'm a Lover of creativity, beauty, and harmony in ALL forms.
I seriously am fond of ancient history and the mysteries of the ancient civilizations. Studying ancient artifacts, I have understood that that history which we learned at school according to textbooks - absolute lies. If you well understand ancient history - we have something to you to talk about... ))
I believe in angels and trust in miracles; and with the right attitude, we'll see and experience BOTH throughout our lives.
I believe in a universal law of Reciprocity: Everything in life turns full circle; sometimes that circle is small, sometimes large; but in the end, we'll receive in return what we give.
If you'd like to know more say "hi" and tell about yourself a little. . .
I didn't reveal alot about myself for you to read on purpose. Rather we chat, talk, engage in conversation to get to know each other instead of us reading through a long page in this section about each other.
Also, just because someone looks like a good match "on paper", doesn't necessarily translate in reality.
Как бы Вы описали своего идеального партнера?
Someone who smiles a lot, is optimistic and adventurous.
I want to find my half one and create a new family with a very affectionate, kind, easy going, clever, honest, strong, reliable man, without financial problems.
I want to find my unique person, with whom I spend my life.
I am not afraid of any cultural differences, distances or discomforts. I think that is not a big question and not a serious cause for lovers who want to find each other like the halves of a whole. Not only can I take, but to give my soul mate. I want to love and be loved. I am seeking a long term relationship that might lead to marriage is what I hope to find on here.
Someone special to capture my heart and knows how to handle it with care.
One who will cherish me and be willing to share life's greatest joys and sorrows with.
Somebody who's willing to pamper and love unconditionally. Who is sincere, passionate, loyal, sense of humor, loving and wants a lifetime partner.
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