I am a sociable and fun man when I feel in tune with people. In the work environment I am always a point of reference and others trust me. I love reading essays and listening to music and art in all its forms. I love travelling, I am interested in various disciplines, I love animals and nature, riding a motorbike and driving a car. If you are curious to know more we can find out together.
Hvordan vil du beskrive din ideelle partner?
I would like to communicate with a woman who is enthusiastic about life and wants to build her family, who loves art, music and travel.
Hvis du visste at verden skulle gå under om 30 dager, hva vil du gjøre?
I would probably go to Bora Bora to spend the last few days.
Hvor ofte og hvem spør du til råds?
I like to discuss things and generally ask the person more suitable for the topic.
Hvilke kvaliteter setter du høyest hos folk av samme kjønn?
I appreciate consistency
Hvilke kvaliteter setter du høyest hos folk av motsatt kjønn?
Transparency and coherence but above all the ability to provide support without this being expressly requested.
Hva er den siste fremtredende begivenhet i livet ditt, og hvordan har det påvirket deg?
Loss of my mother
Siste boken du leste?
Sidereus Nuncius, Galileo Galilei
Hvordan er dine fremtidsutsikter nå?
Work, family, my passions.
Hvilke kvaliteter misliker du mest hos folk av eget kjønn?
Volatile, lying people, those who tend to underestimate others and overestimate themselves.
Hvilke kvaliteter misliker du mest hos folk av motsatt kjønn?
Volatile, lying people, those who tend to underestimate others and overestimate themselves.
Hva slags musikk liker du?
Everything but especially classical and jazz.
Hva er favoritt maten din?
I generally like good food.
Fortell oss om din drømmepartner.
a person capable of touching me deeply.
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