Perheen parissa, Vieraillen museossa tai galleriassa, Tehdä tekemättä jääneitä talousaskareita, Menemällä kävelylle, Ystävien kanssa, Luonnossa
Aktiviteetit joista pidän
Aerobic, Pyöräily, Uinti
Vastaukset joihinkin kysymyksiin
Miten kuvailisit itseäsi?
I am an active, cheerful woman, leading a healthy lifestyle. I am kind, attentive, caring and gentle. I know how to support and listen. I understand that relationships are not always easy, I understand that there are good stripes in life and not so much and I am ready to be with my man and support him in any strip of our life together.
Miten kuvailisit omaa ihannekumppaniasi?
I am looking for a serious man, someone who is in the mood for relationships and starting a family and wants it. Someone who understands that long-distance relationships require even more effort and is ready to make these efforts. Therefore, I ask you to write only serious men who want a family and are ready for a relationship!
Alla näkyy muiden samanikäisten ja ON-line tilassa olevien käyttäjien profiileja!