Praticando atletica, Leggendo qualche libro interessante, Pranzando con un amico, Con la famiglia, Giocando con il mio animaletto da casa, Visitando un museo o una galleria, Facendo le pulizie di casa e piccole riparazioni domestiche, Seguendo delle lezioni, Praticando il mio hobby, Guardando la TV oppure andando al cinema per vedere un film, Facendo una passeggiata, Navigando in Internet
Attività che ti fanno piacere
Altro, Jogging / corsa, Arti marziali, Nuoto, Passeggiare, Sollevamento pesi
Divertimenti che ti danno piacere
Bar/pubs, Film, Museo/arte, Navigare sul web, Tv educativa/notizie
I tuoi altri hobbies ed interessi
Computer, Cani, Migliorie di casa, Investimenti, Notizie/politica/eventi, Fotografia, Yoga
Risposte ad alcune domande
Come ti descriveresti?
Zdravstvoi, I'm currently studying for a PhD in medical research at Oxford University. I'm serious about finding a foreign partner, so I have been learning Russian. I still have a long way to go, but can handle basic interactions and read(slowly). I like health, exercise and run a local kickboxing club. I've got a funny sense of humour and can be childish at times but in a playful way. I'm easy going, but hard working. I run my own business and own my house. I'm honest, trustworthy, loyal and above all faithful. I'm clever and creative, always coming up with new ideas and solving problems. I'm not very materialistic. I don't have a particular style for clothing, and tend to dress the way my partner wants me to. I like to better myself, and help people around me better themselves.
I like dogs, and know a family isn’t really complete without one.
Come descriveresti il tuo partner ideale?
I'm attracted to intelligent women. I like traditional femininity.
I need someone that also takes care of her health, and wants to live a healthy lifestyle. That way we can both grow old together and be healthy in our old age.
Physically I like natural blondes who are in good shape. But most importantly they must be a good person, honest and faithful. I've no time for girls that are selfish and self centred. I'm hoping that I can find someone who is special and will treat me with the same level of love, caring and respect I treat them. I'm naturally very charitable, generous and romantic.
I'm not interested in ladies that have been married before or who have kids. Please do not contact me if you have poor intentions, it'll just waste our time.
Se fra 30 giorni finisse il mondo, cosa vorresti fare?
Try to find peace
Se trovassi 10 milioni di dollari come li spenderesti?
Invest in business, help close friends and family
Quanto spesso e a chi chiedi consiglio?
Rarely. Depends on the topic, try only to ask people in the know for that topic
Qual è il tratto caratteriale che apprezzi di più del tuo sesso?
Che tratto del carattere dell'altro sesso apprezzi di piu`?
Medaglia per Tenacia
Maestro di virtù
Maestro di attività
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