Robert, 81 stáří., Kanada, Regina
Poslední návštěva:
Odpovědi na zprávy: 54%
Základní informace
Jméno: Robert
Věk: 81
Místo: Kanada, Regina
Znamení: Vodnář
Hmotnost: 73kilogramů
Výška: 175centimetrů
Barva očí: Modrá
Barva vlasů: Stříbrná
Postava: Průměrná
Na vašem těle máte: Jizvy
Četnost kouření: Nikdy
Četnost požívání alkoholu: Nikdy
S následujícím údaji:
Angličtina 5 (plynule)
Rodinný stav: Rozvedený
Chci mít děti: Nejsem rozhodnut
Vaše životní priority:
Rodina, dlouhotrvající vztah
Duševní růst
Váš příjem: Žiji na penzi
Ve vlastní nemovitosti: Dům/chalupa, Auto
Kde žijete?: Samostatný dům/chalupa
Vzdělání: Střední technická škola
Povolání: Důchodce
Jaké náboženství vyznaváte?: Křesťanské
Můj partner
Věk: 50 - 70
Země: Západní Evropa, Východní Evropa, Bývalé státy Společenství nezávislých států, Severní Amerika, Latinská Amerika, Austrálie a Nový Zéland
Hmotnost: 43.13 - 63.56 kilogramů
Výška: 142 - 168 centimetrů
Barva očí: Jakákoliv
Barva vlasů: Rezavá/kaštanová, Černá, Blond, Světle hnědá, Světle hnědá, Tmavě hnědá, Prošedivělá, Stříbrná, Obarvená
Nevadí vám, když má partner děti?: V pořádku, pokud žijí odděleně
Postava: Štíhlá, Průměrná, Několik kil navíc, Hubená, Atletická
Kouří: Nikdy
Nápoje: Nikdy
Etnické preference: Bílé / Evropské, Hispánské, Pacifiké ostrovy, Jihoamerické
Koníčky a zájmy
Jak často chodím ven?
Jednou za týden
Chodím rád do restaurací?
Baví mě to
Domácí zvířata a já
Na jaký typ televizních pořadů se nejraději dívám?
Sport, Přírodopisní, Filmy, Vzdělávací, Drama, Dokumentární, Komedie
Baví mě trávení volného času
Sleduji televizi nebo film, V přírodě
Činnosti, které mě baví
Táboření, Tanec, Plavání
Sporty, které rád sleduji / dělám
Baseball, Bowling, Fotbal
Druhy zábavy, které mě baví
Koncerty, Diskotéky, Country hudba, Tv Zábava
Ostatní koníčky a zájmy
Kutilství, Filozofie / Spiritualita, Cestování
Odpovědi na několik otázek
Jak byste charakterizoval sám sebe?
Hello; PLEASE TAKE NOTICE: You can watch my Bible Teaching/Preaching Videos On My YouTube Channel Titled "BIBLE FOUNDATIONS WITH BROTHER NOBODY" @ www.youtube.com/@biblefoundationswithbrothe1008. Please do not send me a wink, postcard, or icebreaker. Please read my entire profile letter. I will respond back ONLY to a woman who sends me a letter directly responding to the issues that I have presented here in my profile letter. Thank You.
I am a reliable, honest, and trustworthy Christian man. I do not smoke, nor use alcohol, nor use drugs. I am a down to earth man; not high on the social scale. I have been living alone for a number of years. God is right; "It is not good that the man should be alone"; Genesis 2:18. I am a single man looking for the right woman that God will bring my way for marriage. I am a gentle-natured man; not iron-fisted. I treat people with due respect. I spend part of my day in Bible study and prayer. At some point I will be teaching the Gospel Of God; and teaching and preaching about Jesus Christ His Son. The woman that I will be married to will be coming along with me in my Christian endeavours. I like to attend less formal Christian gatherings. I eat wholesome, healthy food. But I do not eat borscht, sauerkraut, nor kolbasa. Also, no sugar, nor white flour, nor white rice. I have worked as a tradesman for about forty years. I have been retired since 2006. I live in a small town here in SK. Canada. I travel to the city to shop every two weeks. I enjoy easy listening music, older c&w music, classic r&r. Also older classic movies, southern gospel music, going on vacation, camping out, sight seeing and Bible study. I am writing this profile letter with the intent to indicate truthfully the manner of wife/husband relational factors that must be believed and acted upon by both parties. Over the years that I have observed the relationships between husband/wife of the people that I know personally, and also some others that are not close to me, the issues that divide people are pretty much the same, or similar. There needs to be a major shift by getting back into teaching the truths of the Holy Bible without compromising for the sake of temporary favor. I believe that the purpose of a relationship is to solve the problems of loneliness, and boredom. I need someone to talk to; a woman to be with me; a woman to cuddle up to at night; a lover woman. It is just not good to live alone. With two, if one falls, the other can help. With a relationship there is the feeling of security, being established. Also there is relational roots, new family ties.
Jak byste popsal vašeho ideálního partnera?
I am looking for a God-fearing, husband-respecting woman who is of a sweet nature. I need a woman who can start my romantic world turning again. I believe that relationship compatibility is easier to determine when the role of each partner is well defined. Proper relational understandings will put the relationship on fast track to good communication and pleasant affections and good compatibility.
I must have a woman who doesn't smoke, do drugs, nor use alcohol. She must not use foul, bad language, nor cursing. I am not interested in a tom-boy type of girl/woman. Some women seem to be half woman/half man. I am not interested in communicating with this kind of woman. I need a plain, simple, sincere, unsophisticated, humble woman of God who is of lower class as I am; not high up on the social ladder. I do not need an intellectual woman with degrees after her name. Your Intelligence Quotient Factor is not too important. I am not interested in a woman who takes part in, or believes in "Women's Liberation", or "Feminist", or "Women's Rights" movements.
I need a woman who is a 'short skirt and low neckline, button open, let your hair down, lipstick, swaying/wiggle around the house kind of woman.
Compatibility is easier to achieve and maintain when potential relational struggles are kept to a minimum, and eliminated early in the relationship. I am not interested in an ongoing Pen-Pal relationship. But, of course, there must be communication on a deeper, sincere level.
The issues that I am writing about here are FAR MORE IMPORTANT than the domestic affairs and state of the house. I believe that the husband and wife must become emotionally bonded through following what God has determined to be the relational roles that husband and wife must fulfill. The relationship must get off on the right foot. Both partners must fulfill the demands that God makes upon them. The marriage relationship must be conducted according to God's program that He has given to us in the Holy Bible. Because man's way, the humanistic way, is undisciplined. The shifting sands of the prevailing philosophies of any society that forsakes God's Word do not produce a solid foundation for a marriage relationship. When God brings a man and a woman together, then they have the opportunity and responsibility to conduct their life according to God's plan who brought them together. To not do so would be to betray God's trust in them. This means that the words of the Holy Bible must then be their guidebook and rulebook. We cannot, and we must not, conduct our lives by our own desires that are contrary to the Holy Bible. God is infinitely wiser than humanity. And so to throw out and disregard what God has said will not bring the blessing of God into the relationship. We must endeavor to keep relational and domestic complications to a minimum and see them diminished and eliminated.
The woman's humility is the engine, and the power that drives the marriage forward. The woman's humility is a VERY POWERFUL FORCE that can move the heart of a man. Her humility in submission to her husband is the powerful force that drives the marriage to success. With humility the relationship becomes more precious. Humility will cause the partner to speak the thoughts that are deep within the soul. A man can express his feelings easier when he doesn't feel threatened by a strong-minded, overbearing woman. I believe this to be true because a humble woman can be trusted. The proud woman may betray me, if she is trying to take from me. I would certainly honor and cherish very much the humble woman. When two people are on equal ground, the potential for rivalry is much higher. This is true in politics, sports, and business, etc.. The sportscaster may say: "this should be a good matchup, as these two athletes are very close in their abilities. It is going to be a tight match to the finish. Let's see who will win this contest of the titans". The marriage relationship should be, indeed, MUST BE, the exact opposite. True women of humility are the gutsiest women of this world.
I need a woman who is NOT a loud, proud, nagging, complaining, bossing, scolding, stubborn, defiant, rebellious woman. I cannot live with this kind of woman. If you are any of these, or a combination of any of these, then pass me by. Move on. No hot-tempered, quick-tempered woman! There is too much stress and trouble in this world already; without bringing these intolerable evils into the home. If it is easy to 'push your wrong buttons'; that means that you are not the right woman for me. I need a kind woman who is gentle and easy on my mind. I believe that the husband and wife must be of compatible temperament. I am a gentle-natured man. I cannot live with a woman whose emotions flare up on an ongoing basis. I am interested in a relationship with an even-tempered woman. If you are a loud woman, then please pass me by.
The husband must be lord of his wife. This is an assignment and charge from God to the woman. In Genesis 3:16 God spoke directly to Eve; telling her that her desire would be to her husband and that he would rule over her. The husband is the lord of his wife, and he must be established as such. The way to establish the husband as lord of his wife is for her to address him as that, calling him 'my lord'.
The husband must love his wife. The assignment from God to the husband is to provide the necessities of life to his wife. He is to care for, love, and cherish her as his own flesh. He is to honor her femininity as the more tender, emotionally fragile, weaker one.
The Holy Bible tells us that the husband is the head of his wife. See 1Corinthians 11:3; Ephesians 5:23. The woman needs Godly marriage discipline in her life; continually affirming the headship of her husband. When there is hierarchy in the family, then everyone knows where they belong. There is order, peace, security, stability.
Her beauty and femininity helps to establish and assure his manhood and headship in the relationship. A woman's physical beauty is very attractive to me. Her femininity is the obvious physical proof that she is very different from the man. Her soft voice, her gentle gestures, her feminine softness are all very appealing to me as a man. But if the woman starts to act like a man; if she tries to rule over her husband by her contention, nagging. bossing, etc., then she is betraying her God-given femininity. She is then injecting poison, of a sort, into her relationship with her husband.
The Holy Bible says that the woman is to be in subjection to her own husband. This is one of the main foundational issues of real marriage. When the woman is in submission to her husband, this gives the husband a real satisfaction that will drive him to love and care for her, and the two of them will feel that wonderful feeling inside that they are right for each other. These strong inward feelings are the soul ties that bind the husband and wife together in a life-long marriage relationship. I wish to marry a woman of this mind.
Humility and a submissive spirit are the most powerful attributes that a woman can exhibit. The wife has been given the charge from God that she is to be obedient to her own husband so that the husband will feel free to govern his own house without constant challenges from his wife. There are solicitations from the world around us, the peer pressure, the media, the entertainment scene, etc., and societies of this world to conform to their standard of conduct, personal rights, etc.. But God gives us His plan in the Holy Bible on how to succeed in our personal relationships. God is wiser than all of mankind. See 1Timothy 1:17; Jude:25; 1Corinthians 3:19. Whatever the husband says that is necessary to make the domestic household factors work best for both of us.
I need a woman who desires to call me 'lord' because she is a humble, holy woman of God, and she knows that this is the right thing to do. You will be calling me 'my lord' in all and every area of the theatre of life. The wife will call me 'my lord' to assure me that her desire is to be compatible with me and to be my help-meet. I think that it is tragic when two people come together and the woman senses and feels that love and fondness in her heart for the man; and the man has similar feelings within his heart for the woman. But, alas, she is not humble and submissive to him. She may not realize it, but she is driving him away from herself; not closer together with him. Some people call it 'putting up walls between the two'. And so, consequently, what may have become a wonderful love affair between them, has turned sour and ugly.
On an ongoing basis you, as my wife, will be submitting yourself to me as your lord in the marriage relationship. No woman can be forced to call her husband 'lord'. If she isn't interested and willing to do this, then she cannot be made to do this against her will. God does not make it a commandment that the woman must call him 'my lord'. But the charge from God in Genesis 3:16 must not be ignored. Also 1Corinthians 14:34 which is referencing Genesis 3:16. The Holy Bible gives us the example of Sarah the holy woman of God who called her husband 'my lord'; see Genesis 18:12; and 1Peter 3:6. Genesis is the book of beginnings. Abraham is the father of the faithful; see Romans 4:11,12,16,17. Right from the beginning of the faith of Abraham this is the faith of God. The true faith then is for the wife to call her husband 'lord', as he is the faithful man of God. The wife then can trust the true man of God with her respect and honour him as her 'lord'. She can have confidence that, as the true man of God who has humbled himself to God, and so is himself obedient to God; then he will not abuse his wife's submission to him and so they both will be fulfilling their own relationship calling to one another. But if the wife does not call her husband 'lord', then that is a sign that she has rejected God's plan and way of maintaining the deep relationship with her husband. The hierarchal relationship factors found in 1Corinthians 11:3 must be acknowledged and adhered to. This will cause the blessing of God to be upon the relationship. The husband must treat his wife very tenderly also. The husband is not the spiritual lord of his wife. That aspect of lordship is reserved only for God and Christ. But the husband is lord of his wife in the marriage relationship; in the domestic aspect.
When the wife is not willing to call her husband 'lord', that is a sign that she does not wish to follow the way of the faithful, as that which has been given to us in the Holy Bible. Her failure to do this is a sign that she distrusts God in this area of life and also distrusts her husband. She is then indicating that she is somewhat rebellious and that she will not have her husband as her head. Neither will she submit to the authority of the Holy Bible, which means that she will not have God's truth to rule over her. For the wife to deliberately and verbally reject what God has to say in the Holy Bible means that she does not have the mind to believe God's Holy Bible; neither does she have the mind to desire after and love the wisdom for life principles found in the Holy Bible. I am only interested in a relationship with a humble, holy woman of God who firmly believes the Holy Bible; and who will give me assurances in her letters to me that she is desiring to live the kind of life that I am describing here.
During our daily course of life you will take every opportunity to call me 'lord'. This is to establish this principle in your own heart and mind. Each time she calls her husband 'my lord', she is agreeing with what God has given to us in the Holy Bible. The blessing of God will come upon the relationship of the husband and wife when the wife will respond to her husband this way. I intend on marrying a woman who is quite ready, eager, and willing to call me 'my lord'. I have firmly decided that this is THE ONLY WAY to cause the relationship to remain on a solid foundation based upon the Holy Bible. Of course there must be other relational issues where we are compatible. But without the acknowledgement of what I have written here, and the desire and willingness to carry it out, there can be no lasting, permanent assurance of a sweet, loving, romantic relationship 'until death us do part'.
If you do not agree with EVERYTHING that I have written here, then pass me by: Do not contact me. Move on. Do not waste your time, nor mine.
If you are thinking in your mind; 'I am not going to let you wipe your feet all over me'; then it is my opinion that your mind has been threaded with that kind of untrue thought. I have never thought in my mind that I would ill-treat any woman where she would think that I am wiping my feet all over her. I am looking for a Godly woman of humility. I believe that the affection factor between husband and wife will increase dramatically as the wife is exhibiting humility.
What I am writing here may sound like a bitter life situation for you. But sometimes you have to take the bitter medicine to cure the pains of life; and so then the sweetness will come into the relationship.
To throw out what God has said in the Holy Bible is to spit in the face of God in principle, but to spit in my face in reality; and say, I don't need God's wisdom. I will go my own way. For sure I do not want a relationship with that kind of woman. I cannot live with a woman who conducts herself in an evil treacherous manner against me. I am not interested in a woman who walks around with a chip on her shoulder; and who, without any seeming provocation, seems to be looking for an excuse to fight and quarrel with her husband. I cannot live with such a woman. If you do not agree with the Holy Bible, then you and I cannot be yoked together in marriage. The woman's love for her husband must be manifested in her submission to him as her 'lord', and in her femininity towards him. God has designed the woman to be ruled over by her husband, and with the capacity to quickly change her mind. There is a reason for that.
Some women think that the wife should not fear her husband according to Ephesians 5:33. They may say that you cannot fear someone and love that same person at the same time. But the Holy Bible says that we are to love God; see Deuteronomy 6:5; Matthew 22:37. And the Bible says that we are to fear God as well; see Deuteronomy 6:2; 1Peter 2:17. The Scriptures are many. This is a respectful fear of the husband; not dread, nor terror. In the Holy Bible Rebekah did not dread Isaac; see Genesis 26:8.
You will defer to your husband's headship over you. The wife will then become the mistress of the house. She will be guiding the affairs of the house.
I need a woman who is somewhat flexible and can adapt to a new and different lifestyle. If you are a woman who needs extravagant furniture/furnishings, then you may not be the right woman for me; because with me, you may have to settle for 'average'. I need a wife who will contribute to the usefulness of the relationship.
There is no substitute for the woman having and exhibiting a meek and quiet spirit (which the dictionary defines as 'mild and undisturbing spirit'); which is given in 1Peter 3:4; with a willingness to submit herself unto her own husband. The woman must enter into a disciplined state of mind. You will have a quick and ready mind to do as I have written here. I need a woman who can set my heart on fire with love and affection for her.
The husband must be master of his own house; see Esther 1:10-22; Mark 14:14; Luke 22:11 It is innate within the man that he is to be the master of, and so in charge of, his own house. God has put that principle within the heart of the husband. The house divided will fall; see Proverbs 14:1; Matthew 12:25; Mark 3:25;
The following are examples of the holy women of God in the Bible who used the words 'my lord'
The married woman:
Sarah to Abraham; see Genesis 18:12; 1Peter 3:6.
Husband to be:
Rebekah to the servant (who represented Isaac); see Genesis 24:18.
Abigail speaking to the servants of David, but referring to David when she said 'my lord'; see 1Samuel 25:41.
I need a woman who desires closeness to me. At times, she needs to lean on me, hang on me, climb on me, cling to me, and sometimes crowd me. That means whatever is physically appropriate for the moment to show her affectionate gestures towards me. I need a zingy, clingy, kind of woman. I need a woman who is very affectionately aggressive towards me. I cannot live with a cold, frigid, somewhat distant woman. I am not looking for fancy icing on a stale cake. In deference to her husband's headship, the wife should, very often, be the first one to gesture affection, When the husband and wife are close together, there should always be a gesture of affection; either a kiss, caress, or leaning into each other. This reassures that the bond of romantic love is secure and holding strong. Kisses, caresses, and gestures of fondness are of great relational value when they are given freely and spontaneously. Because the best things in life are free.
You will be disciplining yourself to do as I have written here. You are going to be the mistress of femininity. I need the right woman to come to me and be my sweet honeycomb. Only the sweet, warm-hearted, submissive-spirited woman of humility need apply.
I am looking for a truthful, hot-response kind of woman. I need a woman who covers herself well when she is out in public. But as our familiarities with one another blossom, she is quite willing to make her femininity more easily accessible to me. I need a hot seductress kind of woman who understands and has faith in her feminine charms to appeal to her man. I need a woman who is, or will learn to be, a belly dancer: quiver, shimmy, shake, the moves.
You will be disciplining yourself to embrace fully, and to accept gracefully the God-Ordained position which is a humble state of mind under the rule of your husband. With all of the above acknowledged and sincerely acted upon, you will become my virtuous DAMAR. Maybe we would be on the road to dreams come true. I would promise you that I would treat you with the highest respect and honor. Sincere and serious women only need apply.
If you are looking for a man who can just get you into Canada; and that is all you want from me, and then dump me; please do not contact me. Move on!
Please do not send me any form letters. I will respond back ONLY to the girl/woman who is sincere and who answers/responds to the issues as I have presented them here in my profile letter. There will be a proposal from me to the woman who is compatible with me; and who will give me assurances that she is quite willing to conduct herself according what I have written here. She must be a Christian who firmly believes the Holy Bible as the Word Of God. Hello; PLEASE TAKE NOTICE: Please do not send me a wink, postcard, or icebreaker. Please read my entire profile letter. I will respond back ONLY to a woman who sends me a letter directly responding to the issues that I have presented here in my profile letter. Thank You.
I am a reliable, honest, and trustworthy Christian man. I do not smoke, nor use alcohol, nor use drugs. I am a down to earth man; not high on the social scale. I have been living alone for a number of years. God is right; "It is not good that the man should be alone"; Genesis 2:18. I am a single man looking for the right woman that God will bring my way for marriage. I am a gentle-natured man; not iron-fisted. I treat people with due respect. I spend part of my day in Bible study and prayer. At some point I will be teaching the Gospel Of God; and teaching and preaching about Jesus Christ His Son. The woman that I will be married to will be coming along with me in my Christian endeavors. I like to attend less formal Christian gatherings. I eat wholesome, healthy food. But I do not eat borscht, sauerkraut, nor kolbassa. Also, no sugar, nor white flour, nor white rice. I have worked as a tradesman for about forty years. I have been retired since 2006. I live in a small town here in SK. Canada. I travel to the city to shop every two weeks. I enjoy easy listening music, older c&w music, classic r&r. Also older classic movies, southern gospel music, going on vacation, camping out, sight seeing and Bible study. I am writing this profile letter with the intent to indicate truthfully the manner of wife/husband relational factors that must be believed and acted upon by both parties. Over the years that I have observed the relationships between husband/wife of the people that I know personally, and also some others that are not close to me, the issues that divide people are pretty much the same, or similar. There needs to be a major shift by getting back into teaching the truths of the Holy Bible without compromising for the sake of temporary favor. I believe that the purpose of a relationship is to solve the problems of loneliness, and boredom. I need someone to talk to; a woman to be with me; a woman to cuddle up to at night; a lover woman. It is just not good to live alone. With two, if one falls, the other can help. With a relationship there is the feeling of security, being established. Also there is relational roots, new family ties.
I need a wise, resourceful woman to connect with me. I need a woman who can move to Canada. And, of course, if you are a very serious woman, then you and I will have serious, very private communications with each other.
Sincerely, and with much conviction, Robert
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